The Memory of Trees
As part of our showroom 1st Anniversary celebration, we are very excited to embark into a new ven...
Direction to You Living Showroom
If you are planning to visit our showroom, below information maybe useful:Address: 28, Perak Road...
The Making of Cheng's Atelier Clothing 郑惠中布衣制作过程
Artisan designer Cheng Hui-chung produces his work in his studio in Taipei. He uses a natural tec...
The Mindful Revolution
Source: Time MagazineBy Kate Pickert Monday, Feb. 03, 2014The raisins sitting in my sweaty palm ...
《左传‧定公十年》疏中云:「中国有礼仪之大,故称夏;有章服之美,谓之华。」 短短几个字,展现汉民族服饰,萦绕华丽浪漫的意境。
时空回至现代,热爱织品的郑惠中,转身寻找人类著衣的初衷,以棉、麻织品制作简 约布衣,坚持手染精神,有別於传统中国服饰的华丽感,呈现出东方文化中,另一种轻 松、内敛的生活态度。